Sunday, March 25, 2012

#55 Cloud 9

Last year at work I met a really nice customer and we started chatting about his job, and it turned out he was the head of an independent publishing house in Sydney. I told him I did a bit of writing etc etc. Long story short, he said I was welcome to send some of my writing and he would give me some feedback - that in itself is huge and flattering. To be honest I didn't think much would come of it (deep down all aspiring writers don't have a lot of hope any of their work will actually get published, that's why we blog) and of course I lost his business card. 

I do the admin for my work Facebook page, and the man, let's call him Roger, his work 'likes' the page. The other day he messaged enquiring about a suit, another long story short, we ended up speaking on the phone and I asked if he was still interested in reading some of my writing, he said yes. I sent it to him Thursday, and he replied today with something along these lines... 

"Holy shit! Very impressed, very impressed. I even gave the piece to my "reader" and she too had great feedback."

It's unbelievable. He said it reminded him of Sargeson, Mansfield and Hulme. 

I'm on cloud 9. I am buzzing, inspired and excited. 
I'm going to start writing.

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